European War 3

Download European War 3 (Mod Unlimited Medals) 1.4.2 Free On Android
European War 3 - A war strategy game that allows you to go back to the war period in European history and experience the excitement and challenge of commanding armies and conquering territories. In this game, you will play the role of a strategist, leading your army to conquer the European continent and fight for dominance.

The game reproduces the European war period from the 18th century to the 19th century, including historical events such as the Napoleonic Wars and the War of Independence. You can choose to play as the leader of different countries, such as France, Britain, Prussia, etc., each country has unique characteristics and arms. You need to develop a strategic plan, develop the economy, recruit troops, conquer territories, and finally achieve the unification of Europe.

The game provides a variety of campaign and battle modes, including single-player mode and multiplayer battle. In the single-player mode, you will challenge various historical battles, such as the Battle of Waterloo, the Battle of Shuilufeng, etc., and reenact historical war scenes. In multiplayer battles, you can compete against other players in real time, testing your strategy and command skills.

European War 3 focuses on strategy and decision-making, where you need to consider the allocation of resources, the formation of armies and the choice of tactics. You can build military bases, train soldiers, research and develop technology, and improve the combat effectiveness and strength of the army. At the same time, diplomacy and negotiation are also an important part of the game. You can negotiate with other countries, establish alliances, sign treaties, and affect the structure of Europe.

Additional Information

Updated - September 10, 2023

Version - 1.4.2 

Genre - Strategy

Rated For 7+ years

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